tomorrow is friday!
Thursday, January 7, 2010

hello people who is reading my blog

just another boring day BUT its Thursday so that means tomorrow is FRIDAY!

Yay~ if anything great happen to u then, YAY for you too!!
im just watching some videos in youtube, like music kinds


when i have time im going to write LOTS and more cuter blogs okay?
another random day
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

just finish taking a shower~ getting ready to eat dinner soon

i havent been writing in my blog a long time~~
please come often to my blog, i might be busy from school so i cant keep writing but that doesnt mean u should stop reading ne

yea so today was just another boring day
i hate boring days dont u

also...dont stop looking at my youtube
it doesnt mean that u stop looking at my youtube too
i just dont have time because im busy with school
and btw...i sing in the videos...

sorry to be mean but please dont stop looking at my blog and videos in Utube
Sunday, January 3, 2010

I got my new t-mobile tap cellphone~

Its too cool
btw, today is going to b a quite
short bloggyybecause im going to have to pack for school tomorrow..

waaahh~ winter break went by tooo quick
Happy New Year!
Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy Happy New Year Everyone

Its a brand NEW Year to start a brand new day~
annnd tomorrow im getting a brand new cell phone hehe~

i changed my blog skinthe other one went weird all of the sudden so yeaa gotta change it again

omg, i dont no what happen but u see on the top left corner right it says
i cant find the area to change url to mikiDECHU soo just forget okay

thanks Ina (aka. and Yuki (aka. for viewing my blog i feel so happy and also visit Ina's youtube in chapihime30~ she sings so adorable

speaking of youtube, VISIT MINES~
i no my UTube has no videos but stay tune~ i just have no time to singwith my sister
(yes, if u havent no, i sing with my sis. bcuz when i sing with my sis, it sounds better)

okays~ time to do my science project
i didnt even start it
Whoo Whoo
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Whoo Im finally done

well my first blog post says my blog is going to be a green theme but guess it not true
i tried it a lot but it messes up my whole blog.. it was so confusing with all the html codes and things like that it hurts my eyes

but im finally done

btw, im a bit hungry now
hmm let me im going 2 go to my cousin's house in Queens to celebrate my grandpa birthday im hoping for ice cream cake and a nice cold drink

aww man, my cousin is an idiot. he is just a 6th grader and he thinks he is so cool or something like thatusually i just yell at him but u no, he is younger than i decide to b an adult
maybe ignore

wow..its getting dark..
Welcome Mat
Welcome to my blog! Please enjoy my blog and please do remember to write down ur comment in my shout box^^

This Girl;;
My name is Miki and I am 13 year old girl.So please be nice to me (^_^)b.

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tomorrow is friday!
another random day
Happy New Year!
Whoo Whoo
Brand New & Fresh